These docs are for v20160720. Click to read the latest docs for v20170213.

Development Setup: OS X

So you want to be a dRonin?

Building on OS X is relatively easy. Consider forking the project on GitHub before proceeding with this procedure if you intend to contribute back to the project. (More details on this are at Tracking Development with Git)


Document Version

This version of the documentation is specific to a released version of dRonin. If you wish to build/track next (the latest development branch), please select the "dev" version of the docs next to the search box above.

1. Set up prerequisites for the build environment

Get Homebrew

Homebrew is a package manager; it's the best way to get some of the prerequisites to build dRonin.

In a terminal window, paste this magical incantation:

ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

and then:

brew doctor

Then, you can use homebrew to install wget:

brew install wget

Download Required Programs

Xcode. If you do not already have Xcode, the latest version can be obtained from the Apple app store.

After this, start Xcode and go through the initial setup. Once Xcode is running, go to Xcode > Preferences > Downloads > Components and install "Command Line Tools".

2. Check out the dRonin repository and build

Clone the source code repository

First, clone the dRonin repository. If you have your own fork, specify it on the git command line.

git clone git://
cd dRonin

Automatic download and install of required programs

The dRonin build environment is capable of installing the rest of the tools that it needs.

Qt build tools


Remove existing Qt build locations!

If you have brew installed qt previously, unlink it now. If you get link errors building uavobjects, this is probably what is wrong:

brew unlink qt

Next, run make qt_sdk_install, copy the path from the output in your terminal and paste it into the installer when prompted.


Do not install Qt to the default location!

When running the qt sdk install command, you'll be told where to install qt, then the GUI installer will open. Here is what it will look like:

*  In the GUI, please use exactly this path as the installation path:
*        /some/path/src/dRonin/tools/Qt5.5.1

Be sure to copy the specified path into the installer when prompted for the install location!

Arm cross compilation toolchain

This is easy. Just type:

make arm_sdk_install

3. Build the software

You should be ready to go. Type make all to compile the entire project. Type make to see a list of possible make arguments. Use 'make package' to create a .dmg containing everything, ready to install.

4. Run GCS

Launch the gcs with open build/ground/gcs/bin/ and connect to / flash your board.

5. Eclipse Setup (Optional)

Extract the eclipse project:

pushd flight/Project/Eclipse
unzip -d eclipseLinuxWsp
mv eclipseLinuxWsp/.metadata ../../../
mv eclipseLinuxWsp/.cproject ../../
mv eclipseLinuxWsp/.project ../../
mkdir ../../../tools/eclipseWorkspace

Install eclipse, use the Eclipse Installer:

Choose the Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers when prompted

When Eclipse starts, choose the folder you created in [Your Project Root]/tools/eclipseWorkspace as the workspace directory.

Then choose File -> Import and pick Import an Existing Project. Choose your project root directory, which is the same place you checked out the project with git.

You'll see the two projects android gcs and flight appear. Hit Finish and you're good to go!